Java Connects

How it works

JAVAconnects provides online weekly meetings for like-minded adults to share their experience on important topics… like Gratitude, Family, Loneliness and Helping Others.

Everyone is welcome. Everyone gets a chance to share.

All you need is a computer with camera and mic. Nothing to download, no expertise needed. Once you’ve signed in there’s no need to click, scroll or swipe. Just watch, listen and speak.

Companionship. Purpose. Engagement.

JAVAconnects is the virtual platform developed to engage seniors with peers, no matter where they live. The technology has been developed to encourage engagement and group sharing by seniors and others, using minimal technical skills.

Make a cup of coffee, get comfortable & log in
Meet the group
Listen to the theme of the day, quotes, poetry, readings & music
Hear the words and wisdom of others
Share your experience – if you like
Change lives by helping others

Want to join the club?

Register Today!
Java Group Logo

Need more information?

For details and to order these programs email or call toll free: 1-866-523-2411